- aus starkem, langlebigem Leder mit super weichem Lama Leder innen
- mit Klettverschluss
- mit extra starkem Ledercup für maximalen Schutz
- das spezielle Design macht sie perfekt, um sie über Bandagen verwenden zu können
- professionelle Skid Boots nach dem höchsten Standard
Preis pro Paar
Cattleman's Arena Masters Skid Boots
We take great care to only use the highest quality of materials while manufacturing our products.
But as all material used in saddlery products (leather, nylon, poly web, cotton, etc.) is perishable, it will wear out.
Before every ride, give your boots a thorough inspection. Look for any signs of wear and tear. Make sure to clean them after every use !
Beware of the signs of excessive wear, such as worn Velcro, stretching, change of shape, broken parts, excessive wear, loose or worn stitching, etc.
Make sure you use the correct size and attach your boots correctly. When in doubt, ask a professional for advice.
A small issue left unnoticed could escalate into a dangerous situation while riding !
Manufacturer: BV G VAN ROOSBROECK & ZN – Vispluk 29 – 2290 Vorselaar – Belgium info@gvrusatechnics.com